Oh where to begin? Well, there's me Jessica Brown aka J-Monteezy, aka mama bear. I'm the painting, organized, bossy, compassionate one, trying to save the world one animal at a time! My handsome husband Logan (King) Thomas Brown aka daddy bear, the kind, sometimes scary, yet super sweet. (but shhh its suppose to be a secret.) The bald, gun lover, and newly street biker, hard working, protective and silly one with an amazing smile! Our sweet baby girl Melody Brown who is now 3! Aka smelly-pants mcgoogie-brains, the adventurous, social, smart, beautiful, princess loving/playing in the dirt, awesome big sister and extremely funny one! And Oaklynn our newest addition. She is the sweetest little girl you will ever meet, always happy no matter what and a big mama's girl! Now that she is 1, she's created quite a personality (btw 10.3 at birth 1 week early.). For example she's stronger than I am, she refuses to let me feed her, since day one. She must feed herself, all by herself. She laughs when anyone gets hurt. She's walking/running/climbing 24/7, she copies everything big sister does. And finally a baby-girl that looks somewhat like me!!! And this is our family blog! We love God, family, friends, cartoons, action movies, quoting our movies or T.V shows, also karate/boxing, chocolate, and naps with tons of pillows bundled in several blankets...aww the best! Logan and I have been married for a 3 years now, he's my best friend in this entire world, my therapist, my "joke-maker." (<--quote from seinfeld.) We've already gotten to experience so much together the good the bad, the unknown but more importantly some very spiritual moments that have just made us that much stronger as a family and children of our Heavenly Father. I'm excited to see what the future holds for us! We have a wonderful family, a few shout outs to my mama and pops idk how you survived my teenage years but thank you for not giving me away, more importantly thank you for supporting me through EVERYTHING. T-mama and the Craiginator, I can't thank you enough for your support and advice, and thank you for welcoming me into your family and making me feel right at home. Madi Brown, the most talented person I've ever met! The Barkers aka, "the hippies." Am, I have 1 thing to say, "I got a dime in my pocket & i'm cookin' some eggs." Jes... "Whyyy!? Whyyy!? so many blue shirt?" "And stop with the fork fetish." Lots of love to the beautiful red-headed Emma bean & Adele aka delly bells. "No not like the singer & not like the computer." The Browns, Tyson your awesome, vanilla coke rocks! Jen, thx so much for accepting me for me, including the ocd, skulls, love for your vacuum & labels. Cam-a-lam super princess, spunky lil noo noo's & peter parker who will soon be dressed like a G! Thx to aunt Jess & unc Logie, I love you all! (And noo noo's don't tell your mom, but your my best friend xoxo.) Unc Kurticuzzzz, I wanna snowboard like u! Jealous of your Burton connects. :) Love u! miss u! Love you unc Clint, my professional cook. Granny, love you so much! Thank you for introducing me to cow boy boots, horse races, Shania Twain, "Friends in Low Places." And "Rock my World Little Country Girl. And probably not last but definately not least, GG who has been one of my biggest supports, and always makes time to provide us with riddles and sayings such as, "Your like the rasberry seed stuck in my tooth." (Not sure if I said it right.) Go Bonanza!!! Charlie Brown we love you sweet puppy & Milton T. F Brown we love you lil fishy! Okay so if I forgot anyone, don't feel bad and these shout outs are not "in order of any kind so don't get your underwear or garments in a twist.) Just not used to having this huge family, but am extremely grateful to have. And friends of mine, I love you, you know who you are. Thanks for being my friend and such great auntie's and unc's to our girl's. Your all the bomb!!! I love you. x0x0x0 Hope you enjoy our blog.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Growing up so fast.

Oh man so I've been on kind of a spiritual high the past week or so. Following through with some amazing, wonderful, beneficial goals aka blessings. It's been a great experience getting to have Logan part of Young Men's. And although I've only been able to attend one relief society meeting so far I absolutely love being on the committee and cannot wait to get involved more!

Mel and Oak are both getting so big, well they were big to start out with but you know. They are both so much fun! Melody is counting on her own, she knows some colors and a ton of animals and the sounds they make. Were practicing out ABC's right now. Every day we put a picture that starts with whatever letter were on up on the wall. And every day we create new letters for the wall. She loves her art and is so proud of her work. Oak is as happy as can be, constantly smiling. She can roll from her back to tummy very quickly, loves tummy time. It's so much fun to experience the baby years, but I'm excited for the girls to be able to run and play together.

SO! Today, we were sitting on the potty. Well, Melody was sitting on the potty. Were attempting potty training, I hate it and am horrible at it. Anyways we were counting and singing songs and out of no where she stops and folds her arms and tells me "prayer." Ahhhhh my heart melted!!!! Immediately I folded my arms and I let her say the prayer. At night we have our family prayer before we put her to bed and she has been agreeing to say it. We keep it real simple, "Dear God, thank you, we love you, Amen!"  But she does so great at it! I am so grateful I was able to experience that moment. We said like 3 prayers because she wanted to keep saying them. It was the sweetest thing ever! :)


  1. I'm so excited about your spiritual blessings you are receiving. You have some precious and beautiful girls. I love them so much! By the way, I hated potty training too!! :)

  2. sooo stinking cute!! i love your girls and miss them so much! good luck with potty training...she'll do great!

  3. Glad to see the updates, miss ya.


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